Friday, September 4, 2009

September Also Means…

“Declaration of Independence” • John Trumbull • Oil on canvas • 1817 • See it in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building!

September not only means back-to-school; it means back-to-Congress, too.

Finally, Facebook members are passing around a message that is more substantive than where they rank on some strange "What kind of Teletubbie are you?"-type quiz:

    “No one should die because they cannot afford health care, and no one should go broke because they get sick. (And no one should have to jump through hoops to get a referral, or to get their claims processed expediently). If you agree, please post this as your status for the rest of the day.”
Children should be made aware of the everyday goings-on in the country; it should not occur only every 4 years with a bet on who-lost/who-won. The only way to ensure our children will be able to grow up to be independent, logically-thinking adults, is to expose them to the government and world issues, and discuss all the sides objectively, without name-calling. If they come to a surprising conclusion, do not punish them; then is the time to tell your side. Tell them how and why you feel a certain way. If they still disagree with you, simply say, “In this country, you have a right to your opinion. Perhaps with more life experience, you will change your mind. DO KNOW THAT I STILL LOVE YOU, EVEN WHEN WE DISAGREE.”

And then, really mean what you say.

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