Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nyah Nyah — School is Coming! Part 1

What’s your reaction to the fast–approaching new school year?


Aw, man!



Why can't there be 2 months of school and 10 vacation!

Well, for many parents, it’s “Nyah, nyah” (complete with thumbs in ears and tongue out).

Actually, I was one of those nerdy kids that liked school, but even I felt apprehension: who would be in my class, what would the teachers’ personalities be, etc.

To share the anxiety and bridge the “generation gap”, I’ve found an old commercial that used to broadcast* in August, one that still causes impending doom:

And no, kids, the stop–action was stylistically stuttered; animation techniques were more advanced than that in 1972.

* broadcast [brôd'kast] (verb) definition: to transmit a tv or radio program via air waves.

Next week we’ll define the term “LP”.  Ha-ha.

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