But every American who does or will eventually vote, must read this book or, at last resort, see the film opening November 25.
Two years ago I received a copy of the novel as a Christmas present. My gift–giver and I only knew that it was an Oprah book and we loved The Poisonwood Bible
Had some quiet down time on vacation, so I figured I’d read the first few chapters and save the rest for my subway rides to work the following week.
I finished it in four hours, never taking a break, and probably holding my breath the whole time.
Upon finishing it, I cried. I felt changed.
I felt scared for my children.
I felt afraid for the world.
Cormac McCarthy’s
The book pulled all the situations and scenarios and images that I kept in the back in the farthest corner of my head, under locks and keys.
Oh-no-he-didn't! Yes, McCarthy went there.
THIS IS NOT A DISASTER ADVENTURE NOVEL. Maybe the film will be, but the novel is an intense story of a father and his son who love and care for each other through most extreme circumstances. There is a fleeting story of a wife/mother’s-love, albeit obviously expanded in the movie so that there can be a significant female character cast with an A-list actress (Charlize Theron).
But this is, beyond the tragedies, a heart-warming story of father of son. McCarthy has put on a human face, pulls you in, walks along the road with the main characters, makes it deep. Makes you care.
Makes you think.
It’s depressing as hell.
When the 2008 Presidential race kicked into full gear, I prayed and wished that every candidate would read The Road. I wished that every American citizen of voting age read the book before Election Day. All terrorists. It would have changed the world–view of some of them.
I hoped Oprah gave the Obamas a copy. Maybe they have read it.
[Deep sigh here]
I never thought anyone would be able to make a movie version of this novel.
That’s not entirely true.
I never wanted a movie version to be made.
In spite of my wanting everyone to read the novel, I wanted to protect everyone from not reading the novel. A film version would be too much. I didn't want to dredge up those raw fears again, that I had worked hard to fight back into the farthest corner of my mind, and put back under locks and keys.
I wouldn't want to subject my children to it. It would make them feel less safe in the world.
But you and your older teens should.
Now, to the film, which happens to open not only when the weather begins mimic the climate in the novel, it’s also sadistically–near to the holidays.
As with every person who is disappointed by the movie version of a favorite novel (Eragon the movie
I hope the filmmakers haven't just exploited the titillating and sensational aspects of the story and forsaken its heart, its never–ending senses of love and hope.
In spite of my struggle with two conflicting emotions/opinions (should or shouldn’t), logic prevails and I recommend everyone take a journey on some version of The Road.
But you most likely not see me there again.
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